You made it, whew! How was the ride? Joyous? Bumpy? Hilarious? Scary? All of the above? I don’t think it’s any secret that entheogenic experiences can run the full gamut from luminous and transcendental to dark, murky, and downright terrifying. Making sense of and putting the pieces back together after we have such moving experiences can sometimes be the most challenging part. So to speak, the journey happens then the work begins.
So how does one land with two feet on the ground after experiences that can take you to such heights and depths? While that question may seem overwhelming, there are many specific ways to create a container for the lessons of your experience to land and seep into your bones (or let what needs to go fall away). And each of these practices will need to be specific to who you are!
Whether you fathomed hell or soared angelic, it is completely possible to integrate what you’ve learned from your journey through the realms beyond. With effective and tailored integration practices, the learnings from fleeting and altered states can become traits that you incorporate into your daily life. Together we’ll make sure that you have the tools, structure, and practices you need to effectively integrate them.